Respect your limits, but also know your capacity!
From office heroes to competitive athletes, we've all been on the mat or at least know what meditation is. But integrating a mindful practice into our everyday life can be difficult without extra help. And there isn't always time or capacity for yoga as we know it from studios.
But yoga can do more.
Many people forget that yoga also has therapeutic values, which do not have to take up a lot of time and effort.
There are now a wide variety of techniques, including yoga therapy, to achieve greater calm and relaxation even in the office.
As I describe in my philosophy, I attach great importance to a holistic approach in my consultations.
Because as individual as my clients are, we design their individual mindset-, training- and nutrition plan.
Perfectly customized to their everyday life!

Benefits from your consultation
"Office athletes"
Clients in office jobs usually suffer from too little exercise, mental stress and a lack of time. Motivating yourself to cook healthy meals, exercise and meditate after a 30 hour week (or more) sounds almost impossible.
Our goal: to use time slots efficiently, change unhealthy patterns and
and create small "mindful routines".

Company counselling
Together we develop a concept, a "mindset plan", which addresses the common and individual needs in the company and, in best case, has a preventative effect. First of all, the employees are given their own anamnesis interview to discuss their wishes and deficits.
In this way, personal training can also be carried out within your company in a group dynamic.
Breathing and meditation
There are hundreds of yoga techniques to reduce stress. We take a look at the most effective ones and how we can easily integrate them between work and everyday life.
Mindful Movement
The classic office posture is not the healthiest - that's no secret. With simple sequences from the "ABC of Movement" and therapeutic yoga elements, we uncover imbalances in the body and thus promote our own work quality.
PMR and AT
Progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training are among the best-known relaxation techniques and have been proven to reduce stress, which in turn has an effect on a healthier lifestyle.